If you know 1994’s The Crow, then you’ll know the sad history that surrounds not only its origins but also what happened on set, and from all of this, the film do become somewhat of a cult hit – although I’m not entirely sure how many people (outside film addicts) really know of it all now, so this new version of James O’Barr‘s graphic novel carries its own expectation.

Directed by Rupert Sanders, and written by Zach Baylin and William Schneider, 2024’s The Crow has a re-imagining of the setup, which I explain a little more in my ‘first look’ post from earlier this month – click here for those.

In today’s reveal, we’ve got the first – and quite brutal – first trailer for the film that stars Bill Skarsgård, FKA twigs, and Danny Huston. I do like the raw nature of this trailer but it does show an awful lot, which still sells it for me – but I think they could have stepped back a little and been a little less obvious – however, that’s the way of the world and getting people intrigued.

In the story, soulmates Eric Draven (Skarsgård) and Shelly Webster (FKA twigs) are brutally murdered when the demons of her dark past catch up with them… but that’s not the end of their story – take a watch below – definitely NSFW, and I really hope the substance is here, because it’s definitely/obviously stylistic, and that soul of the story is so important:

The Crow opens in cinemas this summer, originally set for June but to be confirmed

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