David Leitch’s The Fall Guy was legitimately some of the best fun I’ve had in the cinema in ages, and now you can enjoy the escapism in the comfort of your own home – as The Fall Guy is here to rent or buy at home for the Home Premiere, and I’ve been checking out the extended version, thanks to Universal Pictures.

Based on the hit 1980s series by Glen A. Larson, which I’d hadn’t seen here in the UK but – early truths – that doesn’t matter for this adventure. In the movie here, Leitch introduces us to Ryan Gosling as Colt Seavers, who initially comes across as a hyper-confident battle-scarred stuntman. But, even in the opening sequences, there’s a big twist to this story – as he suffers a near-career and life-threatening accident and heads off into hiding for recovery, until we join him some time later, almost going full-drunk-Thor with a beard and spending his time valeting cars instead of doing what he once loved.

But, of course there’s more, when huge action-star Tom Ryder, played with a very amusing stupidity by Aaron-Taylor Johnson, goes missing, Colt is dragged back into the movie world because not only did he used to be Ryder’s famous stunt double – and might know where to find him – but the film he’s starring in is directed by Colt’s ex-girlfriend Jody Moreno, played brilliantly by Emily Blunt.

The Fall Guy features many tongue-in-cheek setups from start to finish, and it’s meant to. For me, this really worked within the snappy script from Drew Pearce, and I felt shades of Paul Feig’s underrated Spy starring Melissa McCarthy, the recent Ryan Reynolds and Jodie Comer-adventure Free Guy, and even the action vibe within The Man from U.N.C.L.E. reboot starring Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer (which isn’t that shabby either), and the comedy-action edge crossover wasn’t one I saw coming, yet it works in all the right ways.

Finding a deft balance between those elements, we’re also introduced to the love story in the middle, and what could easily be cheesy with lesser actors, it’s given some natural chemistry, and fine comedy, with great performances from Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling, who are both having a great time onscreen. The film is also another great example of a strong ensemble cast, which seem to be the hallmark of director David Leitch, with the movie also featuring fun co-starring performances from the likes of the extraordinary excellent Hannah Waddingham, plus a very entertaining Winston Duke, and a sharp spot for Stephanie Hsu to.

In general, if you love big-screen movies and blockbusters, then you’ll enjoy the escapism of The Fall Guy, plus how it celebrates stuntmen across the creative world, and most certainly on camera with plenty of huge practical set pieces, great chase sequences and truly inventive fight scenarios, and you’ll want more as well.

Also, having now seen the extended edition, I can say that both versions are a lot of fun, but the theatrical version notably hides a few twists away, and I think if it’s your first viewing, going for that one – as the extended outing shows you a lot more. Once you’ve had your first Fall Guy, this is an easy revisit, as then the extended cut also lets more comedy moments play out and whilst they do work in the longer context, I can appreciate the editorial input to make the cinema release hit a more consistent pace.

Big or small screen, this is sheer entertainment and I’d love more people to see it, it’s a little bit silly, it’s enjoyably inventive, and it celebrates cinema for people on all sides of the screen, and we need more of that for sure. Oh also… stay watching ALL the way to very end of the credits, as there’s a few more bonus scenes included in the credits to enjoy!

The Fall Guy is out now from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, and 87North Productions, on Home Premiere – head here to watch now: https://amzn.to/3xCoskR

You can order pre-order it on 4K UHD, Blu-ray or DBD for release later this year: https://amzn.to/45JEB4s

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