Head here for our Legend of the Sea Devils review!

Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils is set to be the second of the final three episodes, check out our review of Eve of the Daleks, for the rather brilliant Jodie Whittaker as the iconic Doctor and I, for one, will miss her but it’s also been really satisfying to see her finally get some proper Who stories, with a much needed and elevated level of story in these latter moments. While that’s still a pity it took so long, let’s get to the good stuff, and enjoy it!

This time around, the Doctor (Whittaker), Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Dan (John Bishop) come face to fin (yes!) with one of the Doctor’s oldest adversaries: the Sea Devils. Why has legendary pirate queen Madam Ching (Crystal Yu) come searching for a lost treasure? What terrifying forces lurk beneath the oceans of the nineteenth century? And did Yaz really have to dress Dan up as a pirate?

So, swashbuckle those seatbelts (nice line BBC), and set sail (mixed metaphors though) for Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils on 17th April:

Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils comes to BBC One and BBC iPlayer on Sunday 17th April.

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